Friday, September 14, 2012

Dating Profile Complete



I am definitely true 2 my aries fire sign. I was once described as "all sugar & all spice." I think its safe to say that is an accurate description. I am very impulsive, curious, free-spirited; I'm an outside the box kind of person...never a dull moment; I  am always happy, charismatic, smiling, bubbly and an eternal optimist (a glass half-full kind of person.) I seldom lose my cool, don't take my self too seriously, and am very direct. If something is bothering me, I will say so-not really into the combative thing....unless it is a friendly debate!

I am a huge fan of witty banter and clever retorts. I definitely have a big personality and do not know how to use my inside voice.    I'm an individual with high energy whose very passionate about life and I can be serious (I'm not always cracking jokes!) when discussing an impassioned topic. I like colorful people-something entertaining is always going on with me and I'm usually cracking up.  It is safe 2 say I am liberal and open-minded in all aspects of life. I am not limited to one skill, I am a jack of all trades;  I truly just love to learn. I am very into alternative health and am all about the energy and the vibes... I used to be an athlete(a dancer/teacher), I'm still a writer....I'm a very driven, career-focused individual....fiercely independent..... who dabbles in things creative and artistic when I can find the time. I am definitely a workaholic which is the main reason I find myself here!  
If I had to pick a religion-it would be football. If you want to get technical about religion: i'm very into spirituality-gnosticism, new age philosophy and quantum physics. My favorite thing on earth is karaoke...closely followed by "misfit people watching in a random dive bar" and bad movies.         
As far as a partner goes, it really is all about that carnal raw connection. You just click with someone when they are right. I'm looking for:  passion, intensity, a comedian, a driven, decisive, family-oriented, self-aware, self-sufficient individual who has a personality big enough to match mine....someone who can hold their own-I don't want a doormat or a wallflower. I like someone who speaks up for what they are about and doesn't just agree with everything. Make me laugh and give me an outlet for intelligent thought and I am yours. Must love children and dogs.  Definitely looking for a fun person...and a lover, not a fighter!       
I feel the need to say..... I am not very physically active right now because I am pretty limited when it comes to physically demanding activities. I was in a very serious accident a few years ago and it will be awhile before I am capable of much requiring hard use of my right foot. I try to push myself...I am about to undertake the insanity workout...probably a crazy move, but this is the same person that free-climbed a steep, rocky hill  in flipflops to get to a beach when she couldn't even walk lol....I did crawl quite a bit, but I got there. Carpe diem, right? :)

Obviously I am a different sort of person...I will be myself without abandon, if they don't like me, then so be it-i will not tone it down, this is who I am-it's decided. For the purposes of keeping things anonymous...i will change names-so if you see something in parenthesis, that is my attempt at a clever synonym...I'm already getting views and I have a few "pokes" haha...i will update when I have further information.

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